Paulina Porizkova is having hip replacement surgery at 58. Here's what to know about the procedure — and who needs it.

Paulina Porizkova is having hip replacement surgery at 58. Here's what to know about the procedure — and who needs it.
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Paulina Porizkova is getting double hip replacement surgery. The model, 58, took to Instagram this week to tell fans that the procedure is "long overdue."

Understanding Paulina Porizkova's Hip Replacement Surgery

Paulina Porizkova is undergoing double hip replacement surgery, and she shared on Instagram that the procedure is "long overdue." The 58-year-old model revealed that she was born with congenital hip dysplasia, causing the cartilage in her hips to wear out over time. Now, with no cartilage left, her hips are in a "bone on bone" condition.

Causes of Hip Issues

Paulina's hip problems stem from developmental hip dysplasia, a condition where the hip's ball and socket don't develop properly from birth. Dr. Jessica Hooper, an orthopedic surgeon at Stanford Health Care, explains that this condition increases the risk of arthritis at a younger age, leading to the wearing away of hip cartilage and resulting in bone-on-bone contact. However, hip replacement surgery is not exclusive to hip dysplasia cases.

Who Might Need Hip Replacement Surgery?

Dr. Hooper suggests considering hip replacement surgery if you have severe hip arthritis, consistent pain, or stiffness affecting your daily life. Other conditions such as hip injuries, fractures, or osteonecrosis (reduced blood flow leading to bone tissue death) may also warrant hip replacement surgery.

Understanding the Procedure

Hip replacement surgery can be total or partial. In a total hip replacement, the pelvis portion and thigh bone head are removed and replaced with implants. In a partial hip replacement, only the damaged femoral head is replaced with a prosthesis. Dr. Hooper details the process, including smoothing and resurfacing the hip socket. Metal and plastic components are inserted to create a new surface, ensuring arthritis does not return.

Double Hip Replacement Surgery

Double hip replacement, or bilateral hip replacement, is less common than single hip replacement. It's performed when both hips require intervention due to arthritis, injury, or other joint issues. Benefits include undergoing anesthesia once and experiencing a single rehabilitation process. Recovery time may be shorter, but it requires efforts to strengthen both legs simultaneously.

Considerations for Double Hip Replacement

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, double hip replacement doesn't demand more downtime than single hip replacement. Pre-surgical physical therapy is typical, followed by rehabilitation with a physical therapist post-procedure.

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